As Veteran’s Day Approaches, Korn Ferry Futurestep Survey Shows Hiring Managers Have a Bias Toward Hiring Vets

- More than a Third of Respondents say Their Organization has a Greater Emphasis on Hiring Veterans Than 5 Years ago; However Few Have Hiring Programs to Attract Vets -

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- As the United States prepares to honor its military veterans this Nov. 11 Veteran’s Day, a new Korn Ferry Futurestep survey shows there is an emphasis by U.S. hiring managers to help veterans make the transition to civilian life.

Editor’s Note: Survey Results at Bottom of Release

In the October 2017 survey of nearly 1,000 professionals, 58 percent said they believe their organizations’ hiring managers have an unconscious bias toward hiring veterans. The survey also shows that more than a third of respondents (34 percent) say that compared to 5 years ago, their organizations are placing a greater emphasis on hiring veterans.

When asked which military skill set translates most directly to management roles within their organization, the greatest percentage (45 percent) said leadership, followed by team mentality (20 percent) and goal focus (14 percent).

“Transitioning military members bring with them invaluable skills, experiences and traits, such as precise communication, individual accountability, impeccable execution and natural leadership,” said Bill Sebra, Global Operating Executive, Korn Ferry Futurestep. “Organizational leaders who make a concentrated effort on recruiting veterans will no doubt benefit from new employees who display poise, ingenuity and the ability to handle stressful situations.”

The survey did find that there is more work to be done when it comes to a programmatic approach to hiring veterans. Two-thirds of respondents said their organizations do not have clear messaging as to why veterans should choose their company as a future employer, 63 percent said they do not have veteran hiring outreach programs in place, and 69 percent said they do not provide training to hiring managers on veteran-specific hiring practices.

“With unemployment rates so low and the competition for talent so high, organizations must put a focus on highly engaged, well-trained veterans,” said Sebra. “From the perspective of the veteran who is seeking to make the transition to a civilian career, it’s important to take the time to educate hiring mangers on how their military experiences can translate into a corporate environment. It’s critical that companies and veterans work together to make the transition smooth and successful.”

About the survey

Korn Ferry Futurestep fielded the survey in October of 2017. It garnered 972 responses. Percentages are rounded to the nearest decimal. Totals may not equal 100 percent.


Compared to 5 years ago, how much emphasis does your organization place on hiring veterans?

Much more emphasis 15 percent
A bit more emphasis 19 percent
About the same emphasis 39 percent
A bit less emphasis 7 percent
Much less emphasis 20 percent

During the hiring process, do you think hiring managers have an unconscious bias toward or against hiring veterans?

Yes, they have an unconscious bias toward hiring veterans 58 percent
Yes, they have an unconscious bias against hiring veterans 21 percent
No, they do not have an unconscious bias for or against hiring veterans 21 percent

What military skill set translates most directly to a management role within your organization?

Leadership 45 percent
Team mentality 20 percent
Goal focus 14 percent
Respect for hierarchy 7 percent
Communications skills 7 percent
Technical ability 7 percent

Does your organization have clear messaging on why veterans should join your company?

Yes 34 percent
No 66 percent

Does your organization provide training to hiring managers and/or recruiters on veteran-specific hiring practices?

Yes 31 percent
No 69 percent

Does your organization have a veteran hiring outreach program in place?

Yes 37 percent
No 63 percent

Does your organization provide onboarding or transition support to your veteran hires?

Yes 37 percent
No 63 percent

About Korn Ferry
Korn Ferry (NYSE:KFY) is the preeminent global people and organizational advisory firm. We help leaders, organizations and societies succeed by releasing the full power and potential of people. Our more than 7,000 colleagues deliver services through our Executive Search, Hay Group and Futurestep divisions. Visit for more information.

More information on Futurestep can be found at

Korn Ferry
Tracy Kurschner, 1.612.309.3957

Source: Korn Ferry