Let the Glad Tidings Begin! Vast Majority of Professionals Look Forward to their Company’s Holiday Celebration and Feel it has a Positive Benefit on Culture

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Company holiday parties are not only a strong way to bring cheer to employees, they are a way to help them get ahead. That according to new survey of professionals by Korn Ferry (NYSE: KFY).

The vast majority of respondents (83 percent) say they look forward to their holiday party, and 90 percent say the event creates a stronger culture in their organization.

Two-thirds (66 percent) of respondents say networking at holiday parties helps them get ahead in their career, and 83 percent believe the parties are a good use of budget and resources.

“Where and how people work today is much different than in years’ past. Holiday parties are a good way to bring together people who don’t necessarily work side-by-side to create a sense of community and belonging,” said Kirsta Anderson, Korn Ferry Global Solution Leader for Culture Transformation. “These events reinforce a sense of connection to the company and can be an opportunity to reinforce an engaging and enriching company culture.”

While more than a third (36 percent) say their company is not hosting a holiday party this year, 77 percent say that if there is a party, they plan on attending.

To meet the growing prevalence of remote workers, 34 percent of respondents say their organization has found a way to incorporate employees who don’t work in the office into the holiday festivities.

The survey also found that many employers are taking a different approach to this year’s holiday celebration, with 25 percent of respondents saying their company will change the event to a more family-friendly time or venue.

“With the hectic pace professionals keep year-round, it’s important to pause and take the time to celebrate the season and each other,” said Anderson. “And, both employers and employees will reap future benefits from the conversations and ideas that began while enjoying the festivities.”

About the Survey – The Korn Ferry survey was conducted in November 2018 and garnered 644 responses. Due to rounding, percentages may not equal 100.

Survey Responses:

Is your company hosting a holiday party this year?

Yes   64 percent
No 36 percent

If your company is hosting a holiday party, do you plan to attend?

Yes 77 percent
No 33 percent

Will networking at holiday parties help you get ahead at your organization?

Yes to a great extent 22 percent
Yes to some extent 44 percent
To no extent 34 percent

Do you look forward to your holiday party?

Yes to a great extent 28 percent
Yes to some extent 55 percent
No to some extent 7 percent
No to a great extent 10 percent

Do you feel office parties create a stronger culture in your organization?

Yes 90 percent
No 10 percent

Are office parties a good use of resources and budget?

Yes 83 percent
No 17 percent

Will your company change the way it hosts holiday parties this year, such as moving it to a more family friendly venue or time?

Yes 25 percent
No 75 percent

Has your company found a way to include remote workers in holiday celebrations?

Yes 34 percent
No 66 percent


About Korn Ferry

Korn Ferry is a global organizational consulting firm. We help clients synchronize strategy and talent to drive superior performance. We work with organizations to design their structures, roles, and responsibilities. We help them hire the right people to bring their strategy to life. And we advise them on how to reward, develop, and motivate their people.

Tracy Kurschner

Source: Korn Ferry